Household Katie Holmes Artist, Tom Cruise Artist

Household Katie Holmes Artist, Tom Cruise Artist

tomkat-lead-spl344089 01112Katie Holmes is now able to breathe because it is free from the clutches of Tom Cruise and Scientology churches.

He was sued for divorce and now even has reached an agreement with the Cruise demands.

But, have you ever asked what really makes Holmes could not bear to wade Mahligai households with the most famous movie stars universal? What makes Holmes felt sick and had enough, then take a drastic decision in his life?

We know the religion of Scientology that Cruise professed to be a stumbling block in their household. However, the extent to which, the Church of Scientology bothering life today revealed a new Holmes.

Hollywood Life reported, Scientology churches all the time watching Holmes traces. "Every thing that made ​​her want to go through the approval of the people Tom, including his family when he could betemu. He felt every jenkal his watch, "says a source.

Another source confirmed the news. "Katie was constantly watched," said the source was a friend of Holmes's yag.

Appropriate recognition of this fact revealed by Karen Schless, former president of the Scientology Celebrity Center (Scientology Celebrity Centre) Inside Scientology. He said that the house of the informant met Cruise Scientology church. Scientology leader David Miscavige church gets a daily report of what happened in the Cruise house.

Oversight of the privacy Holmes Holmes including trim. In fact, "the letter to Katie should be read first by those Tom."

In addition, UsWeekly said Thursday there is a special staff whose job cut out pictures of Holmes and Cruise in the magazine in a pose "intimate look" to be framed and dpasang in the hotel room where they mnginap.

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